
I am a small-town guy with big-city dreams. I chase after God with all my heart, trying my hardest to follow His will and guidance for my life. As the youngest of 5, I’ve always been driven to prove myself to others and to myself; to make an identity for myself that didn’t come from who my siblings or parents were; to know what I wanted out of life and chase after it.

I’m married to my best friend, Jessica, who is my guiding light, my number 1 confidant, and my best friend. I can’t imagine life without her, and don’t even want to contemplate where I’d be if we had never met. I thank God for her every day.

I work at a local television station in Alabama as the digital sales coordinator, graphic designer and programming director. It’s busy; it’s hectic; it’s chaotic – but, I love it.

God bless!